This is the most personal post I wrote here. I’ll leave the personal part below and if you are interested you can just scroll down and continue reading. If you want to go straight to the simple healing spells for dogs, you can use the table of contents. This post is part of my Witchcraft and Spells category.

- 1 Our story with Vanessa
- 2 Trismegistia – Hounds of Hekate
- 3 Simple Healing Spells for dogs
- 3.1 1) Simple healing spells for dogs: The magic of essential oils
- 3.2 2) Simple Healing Spells for dogs: Grigori Grabovoi Numbers
- 3.3 3) Simple Healing Spells for dogs: The power of Reiki
- 3.4 4) Simple Healing Spells for dogs: The Boneset Spell
- 3.5 5) Simple Healing Spells for dogs: Healing Stones and Crystals
- 3.6 6) Simple Healing Spells for dogs: Words of Love
- 3.7 7) Simple Healing Spells for dogs: Dowsing
- 3.8 8) Simple Healing spells for dogs: Chromotherapy
- 3.9 9) Simple Healing spells for dogs: Summoning Hekate for the last breath
- 4 Final thoughts and considerations
Our story with Vanessa
This is Vanessa. A very special soul that I met some years ago. Unfortunately, her story was not the happiest one. When she was a puppy in 2000, she was found abandoned in a gas station trying to escape from some evil kids who were kicking her. She was rescued and she couldn’t even stand up.
She recovered and she grew up to be a kind and loving dog. When she was 11 years old her owner passed away. She was then rescued again and found a new home with his relatives. However, she was not considered “important” to them as she was to her former owner.
Vanessa was neglected. She spent 4 years in a cage and 2 years hiding under a bed. She developed some tumors, allergic diseases, immunological problems, OCD, arthritis, and respiratory problems.
When I first met her, she was 11 years old in 2011, just one month after the death of her former owner. By that time I couldn’t do anything to help her, but to visit her and play a little with her. I made a promise to myself and to Jesse: “We are going to save Vanessa”.

In 2016 we moved to a new apartment with enough room to bring Vanessa. And we did it. Vanessa was rescued again.
We treated all her diseases with holistic therapies and with some simple healing spells. We also used a lot of Grabovoi Numbers for different reasons. Vets used to say it was useless to help her once she was old (16yo) and her problems were severe.
We didn’t care for their opinions.
In just a few months Vanessa recovered from all her wounds, two tumors simply reduced their size and her OCD were being controlled. After years of hiding, Vanessa was happy again.

We walked her, she made lots of dog friends, she got to know the sun, the rain, the grass, the earth… She was very independent and we allowed her to be herself. We used to ask: “Where would you like to go?” and “If you want to go home, just tell us.” She took all the decisions.
In 2017 she suffered from Pyometra, a uterine infection. Old female dogs who never had puppies are inclined to develop this dangerous infection. We had no choice but to undergo emergency surgery. The vet made us sign a term stating that we knew she would die during the surgery, right after the surgery or during the following days, once she was old (17years old), and bla bla bla.
The surgery ended and the vet said she would take around one hour to recover from the anesthesia. Poor vet, she didn’t know Vanessa. Before she could finish speaking Vanessa appeared at the door, walking as if nothing had happened at all.
We three spent a wonderful time together again. But, we know nothing is eternal in this realm. Everything is a cycle and what starts must come to an end eventually. Vanessa wouldn’t be different.
In March 2018, Vanessa wounded herself next to her second nipple, where one of the tumors was. We tried to heal and close the wound but it would just get bigger. All we could do was to relieve her pain using some of the simple healing spells for dogs and Reiki.

In general, she was very fine. She didn’t change her behavior, she continued walking, playing with her two boyfriends (naughty Vanessa!), and eating and drinking properly.
Vanessa was so evolved that she taught us how to communicate with her as we humans do. We could listen to her thoughts, we could chat for hours. She never complained about anything.

The wound got better, but it was still there. Suddenly, around 3am in the middle of May, she gave a loud cry. Her breast got swollen and she couldn’t stand up on her own. I helped her and she was fine, she walked, drank some water and slept again.
On the same day, around 11 am, she started bleeding from the wound. There was A LOT of blood. I had never seen so much blood. Jesse helped me to get some dry towels and we managed to stop the bleeding.
Vanessa was still incredibly fine. She asked to go down for a walk almost every day, she played, ate, and did everything else normally. But something happened that day. That swollen area around her chest wouldn’t disappear. Every night she cried for she couldn’t get up once she lay down. I always helped her and she was happy with it.

For the next 2 weeks, we started a “new wave” of simple healing spells for dogs and Reiki. The pain totally disappeared! Vanessa was able to lay down and stand up again. She stopped crying during the night!
We took her to a vet to see if there would be some help or if we would listen to the typical “she’s too old, there’s nothing to do”. And yes, this vet said she was too old (18 years old), but that there was no problem at all. She was healthy.
We talked to Vanessa and she didn’t complain about anything. She was acting normally, as usual.
Then, two weeks ago she told us that she was tired. That she wanted to rest. Inexplicably her wound started to bleed again. We did everything we could to stop the bleeding. And we did it.
We then started to make some dowsing sections to heal her and to give her strength. We used a crystal Pendulum for this. Again, she improved and she was very fine, but tired. Two days ago she stopped eating and drank just a little. Her face was happy, she was not feeling any pain.
Yesterday she stopped moving one of her legs. I took her in my arms and she barked, asking for Jesse. Jesse prepared a bed on the floor. We put Vanessa in the middle and we laid down around her. She was breathing heavily, but she said it was fine. In these two days, she truly aged. Her teeth got a yellowish color, her skin got flaccid and her breathing got heavy.
She thanked us for giving her the best years of her life. We also thanked her for the same reason. All I wished that moment was for her not to suffer.
While we were there I called Goddess Hekate and asked her to help Vanessa to depart with no suffering and to take care of her. That very moment I felt her presence full of other dogs.
Vanessa took a very deep breath and closed her eyes.
14th July 2018

Trismegistia – Hounds of Hekate
Right at that moment, I understood the song Hounds of Hekate which I wrote last year, and asked Vanessa to be part of the video. Vanessa wasn’t afraid, she was really feeling her power.
She now is one of Hekate’s Hounds.
Below is the music video for Hounds of Hekate where Vanessa is. When I wrote the song it was about following Hekate and becoming one of her hounds, awakening the power inside. Now I know that the song is REALLY about joining Hekate and experiencing supreme power and freedom.
Simple Healing Spells for dogs
Vanessa suffered a lot during her life, mainly in the period from 2011 to 2016. When we rescued her and we saw her real situation we got scared. She was indeed an old dog, but there was something inside her that wouldn’t allow her to give up on living. That’s when we started these simple healing spells for dogs. These simple healing spells also work on humans.
I’d like to help other people with dogs who suffered or who are suffering due to evil people or due to eventual diseases. So please, if you know someone who owns a dog in need, share this post with them.
1) Simple healing spells for dogs: The magic of essential oils
If you are a natural witch you are familiar with plants and essential oils. They are very powerful and they alone are super effective simple healing spells for dogs. They can truly help us and our dogs. Although some oils can be dangerous for them, others are harmless.
When Vanessa came to our home she suffered from OCD – Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Her stressful life in a cage and then under a bed made her feel useless and unwanted. She also listened to many insults like “you ugly dog” or “your dirty dog, get out of my way!”, and these insults made her condition worse, infecting her ears (we’ll talk about this below).
Instead of giving up, Vanessa absorbed all that stress and started to chew her paws and scratch her face on the floor.
Sometimes she did it so hard that she would bleed.

For controlling this OCD we started massaging Vanessa using Lavender essential oil. Lavender is calming and relaxing. We also used Clove essential oil to protect her from herself (her bad thoughts).
In a couple of months, she stopped this behavior. Sometimes we caught her starting to hurt herself, but with gentle words, she simply stopped again.
2) Simple Healing Spells for dogs: Grigori Grabovoi Numbers
Grigori Grabovoi is a Russian scientist who discovered/developed a complex system of healing codes. He states that we can tell our DNA and the universe how to normalize things.
Our first attempt using Grabovoi Numbers in Vanessa was to reduce two of her biggest tumors. They were in her nipples.

There are plenty of websites, Facebook groups, and books with Grabovoi Codes and Jesse found some for her tumors. We wrote the numbers and glued them to her water pot.
After 2 or 3 months, her nipples returned to their normal size.
We also used Grabovoi Numbers for many other situations and they all worked really fine. Give them a try.
3) Simple Healing Spells for dogs: The power of Reiki
If you are a Reiki master or if you know a Reiki master, apply it to your dog. Although Reiki is not usually referred to as a spell, its healing power is tremendous!
Jesse is a Reiki master and he started using Reiki many years ago. During the moments of pain where Vanessa started crying, Jesse applied some Reiki sessions. After some minutes she would take a deep breath and sleep calmly.

If you are willing to become a Reiki master, I can recommend this course I attended. If you are interested, please click on the image below.
By studying through this link you will also support our site.
4) Simple Healing Spells for dogs: The Boneset Spell
This healing spell came to be one of the most incredibly simple healing spells for dogs we used. It is really effective under the Full Moon, a good phase for manifesting and creating things. If your dog has suffered from some injury, try it.
I really love this book “The Goodly Spell Book” for its energy and for its contents. I am always recommending this book.
The following spell was taken from it, and there are others (not so simple) there too.
When you witness an accident or try to heal a victim, first bestill and calm yourself – consciously breathe slowly and deeply throughout all curative spells. Gingerly hold your dominant power hand slightly above the injured area until you achieve focused concentration and relaxed magical flow. Your hand will likely grow warm from your mental effort. Then rock rhythmically, caress the hurt person’s cheek or forehead, and whisper the following healing charm, called the Boneset Spell:
This is the spell that I intone.
Flesh, to flesh, and bone, to bone.
Sinew, to sinew, and vein, to vein.
And (injured’s name) is made
whole again!

If you are interested in the book, you can buy it on Amazon. Using the links we provide you also support our website!
5) Simple Healing Spells for dogs: Healing Stones and Crystals
We’re very fond of Stones and Crystals and since we rescued Vanessa we let her enjoy these amazing gifts from Mother Nature.

During the first weeks, while we were treating her skin problems and joint pain, we put a Tiger’s Eye crystal below her bed. The Tiger’s Eye is known to help health and to let the energy flow properly.
When we were treating her OCD, together with the essential oils massages, we put an Amethyst under her bed. Later I made a necklace with an Amethyst and she wore it until her last moment – in fact, she was buried with it.
Vanessa suffered a lot of hate and bullying. I can’t say the origin of all of this, maybe evil people are simply evil and they throw their hate in any direction. It seemed Vanessa was so pure that she was an easy target for evil forces. When we were walking in the streets or in the park, there was always some people wishing her death. What for? I can’t understand. Whatever, we used to carry a Black Turmaline to protect her from these energies.
Another crystal we used to help her improve her general condition was the Carnelian. I also rubbed an Amber piece on her body to give her energy when she was down.
There will always be a magical Stone or a magical Crystal for your pet condition. Be sure of it!
6) Simple Healing Spells for dogs: Words of Love
All of us witches know that spells are basically words with power. As Vanessa listened to so many insults during her life, she developed different kinds of ear infections and fears.
Her ears were so infected that we could feel the bad smell coming from them from a good distance. We started some natural treatment using apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and, later, coconut oil (the best healing oil!). It helped a lot, but it wasn’t enough.
Vanessa used to suffer from frequent nightmares and we could feel they were about her life before being rescued. The other day the ears would be infected again.
Then we intensified our “words of love” treatment. We always showed our love for her in many different ways, but she was still being haunted by her past. So we started saying all the time:
- “Vanessa, we love you.”
- “Vanessa, you’re the most beautiful one.”
- “Vanessa, you’re magical.”
- “Vanessa, you deserve all the best things in the world.”
- “Vanessa, you’re one of a kind.”

We got rid of the ear infection for some months, then it returned along with the nightmares. We intensified all of these things, we got rid of them again.
7) Simple Healing Spells for dogs: Dowsing
The power of a pendulum is something incredible and dogs can benefit from them. If you know how to use a pendulum, use it to improve your dog’s health and to find aching points.
We made some dowsing sections on Vanessa to give her energy and to relieve the pain she was feeling. The results were immediate!
If you don’t feel like using your pendulum for this, you can use it for simple “yes or no” questions and you can help your dog this way.

An interesting thing is that during Vanessa’s last week the pendulum (and the Tarot) told me she would be fine under the New Moon. And yes, she departed under the first New Moon night. The information was precise, but I couldn’t (or didn’t want to) interpret it properly.
If you’re not familiar with Dowsing and want to start practicing it, I suggest this article about how to use a pendulum.
8) Simple Healing spells for dogs: Chromotherapy
Chromotherapy helped Vanessa to calm down during her OCD moments and it also helped her to get rid of inflammations. Some months after her womb removal surgery she had some eruptions around her body.

We used this Chromatic Baton to direct the light towards the inflamed area. Some sessions were enough to heal her.
9) Simple Healing spells for dogs: Summoning Hekate for the last breath
We can’t deny the fact Vanessa was old. She was 18 years old and, for a dog it is a long time. When we rescued her she was 16 years old and we know she was about to die. If we hadn’t rescued her, she would have died the following months.
But she wanted to live. She knew she would come to live with us. She knew we would have a wonderful time together. And somehow she retarded her aging.
If you pay close attention to the pictures in the first part of this post you’ll see that when we rescued her she was swollen, looking old, and with tired eyes. Then you see her pictures when she was 17 and 18 years old. Her eyes were not tired anymore, she had another aura, her teeth got whiter, her skin improved… she became younger again.
During her final moments, she was still strong. All I asked, all I wished was for her to die in peace with no suffering because she did not deserve to suffer anymore. Them, on her last two days, she aged. She aged everything she held back for two years, but she was still strong.
When I finally realized she was going to die I summoned Goddess Hekate, the Greek Goddess of Witchcraft who walks with dogs through the night. I put my hand on Vanessa’s body and said:
“Oh Great Goddess Hekate, please come and guide Vanessa with your torches. Show her the right path and protect her from any suffering. Take care of her.”

In less than five minutes I felt her presence along with many other dogs. Vanessa took a deep breath and closed her eyes. It was very sad for us, but it was beautiful and comforting.
Sometimes dogs take weeks to die. They lose their movements, they lose their sight, they start peeing and pooing themselves… they can suffer a lot. We didn’t want this for Vanessa, neither she wanted this. I’m very happy and grateful for Hekate having helped her to cross this realm to another in such a fast and tranquil way.
If you see your dog is ready to depart, stay with him/her. Summon Hekate. Your dog will feel safer and fearless. Everything will be fine.
Final thoughts and considerations
We all want our dogs to be healthy and free of pain. These simple healing spells for dogs are going to help you (and help us when we rescue other dogs in the future) but they alone won’t work, of course.
Always remember to give good food to your dog, walk and play as much as you can. Talk to your dog frequently so you can develop a system of communication in which you’ll know everything you need to.
Vanessa loved to drink water with apple cider vinegar and this helped her fur to get shiny. She also loved to have some coconut oil. Her food was balanced and she loved to eat some broccoli and some cauliflower. After many years of no exercise at all, we started to walk her twice a day. We took her to parks and to the beach where she swam for the first time in her life.
Give love.
Receive love.
Let your dog be a dog. Let him/her lick you and play with you.
I’d love to know your experiences with dogs. So please, if you can leave a comment here or on my Twitter I’ll appreciate it.
Remember to share this post with whoever needs to heal dogs.
I’m sure Vanessa is everywhere now helping dogs who suffer what she suffered.
Thank you.
This was beautiful and informative blessed be
Thank you so much!
I am a fur mommy to a deaf double merl red healer/ boxer mix. I have taught him sign language and he’s very smart. He doesn’t know pain. And we live with a narcissistic man. I have no where to go right now.
He has contracted some type of urinary infection and I bought cranberry chews with ecchinecia. He won’t drink water unless I hold the bowl for him or feed him ice cubes. He is the love of my life and my protector
. When I got him we saved each other. He doesn’t like the vet or the girls that work there. He bit one of them last year. So I only use holistic witchery and all natural products to heal him. I am a powerful strong witch. I am going to try some of the advice you have given. I will let you know how it turns out. Thank you for caring about and loving the babies who have no human voice. Blessed be
I hope you make him feel comfortable and healed! Thanks for writing!
Thanks for your lovely comment!