Goddess Hekate – Goddess of Witches and Paths

The Goddess Hekate has power over the earth, over the sea and over the underworld and she has always been honored by other deities. Moreover, she had the exclusive prestige of Zeus, who gave her the power to grant or deny desires to mankind.

You can watch the video below about the Goddess Hekate or continue reading for a suggestion on how to summon her!

The Goddess Hekate has a lot in common with the Mother Goddess of Wicca because she is also a Triple Goddess. She is represented with three bodies or sometimes with three human heads (or one of a serpent, one of a goat and one of a horse / cow). She has in her hands some torches or sometimes a key and a dagger. On her head sometimes there are tiaras in the shape of a Crescent Moon, Full Moon and / or Waning Moon.

Goddess Hekate - Statue

Hekate is always followed by three dogs or the three-headed dog, Cerberus.

  • Attributes: Goddess of witches, of paths, of passages, and protector of home
  • Symbols: Pair of torches, dogs, keys and daggers
  • Place: Greece

Goddess Hekate – Goddess of Witches

Being able to look in three different directions, the Goddess Hekate is able to see everything. She sees the past that interferes in the present and what could cause harm in the future. Due to her dealings with enchantments, spells (mainly with medicinal herbs) and with the night, the Magicians and Witches of the old Greece became her great devotees. Even today, Hekate is very popular among Witches.

It is said that the Goddess Hekate spread benevolence among people, blessings those who asked for them. She provided material and political prosperity, victory in games and battles, abundant fish and healthy cattle. In return, the villagers placed statues dedicated to her at the entrance of the cities and houses and, during the night, they offered food for her dogs in the doorstep of the houses or at Y-shaped crossroads.

It is believed that she patrols the roads on New Moon nights collecting the dead and surprising the travellers. She is always followed by dogs, spirits and ghosts. Hekate can never be seen and her presence is only known by the barks heard in the distance.

It was Goddess Hekate who guided the Goddess Demeter in the night during her search for Persephone.

Persephone, Hermes, Hekate and Demeter
Persephone, Hermes, Hekate and Demeter. (http://www.theoi.com/Khthonios/Hekate.html)

Goddess Hekate – Goddess of Changes

The Goddess Hekate is present in times of need and when we let go of the past that haunts us. She also helps us find a new path through new beginnings. She helps us to think correctly despite the confusion of ideas, the fluctuation of our moods or uncertainties. She lights our ways with her torches as we face the inevitable changes of life.

Hecate (1795) William Blake
Hecate (1795) by William Blake

Hounds of Hekate – Trismegistia

Hounds Of Hekate (Trismegistia) Feel the Power

The Goddess Hekate is the main theme and inspiration for the song Hounds of Hekate by Trismegistia. Watch the video below:

Photo of author

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