Mabon Recipes for Magickal Autumn Equinox

Mabon is my favourite Sabbat. It has always been. I really enjoy the autumn and its fresher weather alongside its colors. There’s another detail, but it’s not that important, Mabon here in the southern hemisphere starts around March 20th and my birthday is on March 22nd. It feels special to me.

Mabon, a celebration rooted in the ancient traditions of the autumn equinox, marks the time when day and night are equal, symbolizing balance and reflection. Celebrated by modern Pagans and Wiccans, Mabon is a time to give thanks for the harvest and the abundance of the earth.

If you’re new to my website or if you’re learning now about these celebrations, I invite you to read about the definition of Mabon and also tips for having a great Mabon Ritual.

In this article, I’m going to share some Mabon recipes that you can prepare for your celebration.

Let’s start?

Mabon Recipes

1) Chicken and Apple pot

Apples, often associated with this festival, represent not only the fruits of the harvest but also wisdom and the cycles of life. As the season transitions from summer to autumn, apples become a central symbol in Mabon rituals and feasts, embodying the themes of gratitude, nourishment, and connection to nature.

Chicken and Apple Pot Recipe

Chicken and Apple pot

Learn how to prepare Chicken and Apple Pot recipe, great for Autumn Equinox and Mabon.

2) Red Cabbage Casserole

Another recipe that takes apples as an ingredient. The “red” part may be a symbolic way to connect with the Goddess and thank her for all her blessings.

Red Cabbage Casserole Recipe

Red Cabbage Casserole Recipe

Learn how to prepare Red Cabbage Casserole in this recipe. This can be a wonderful recipe for Fall celebrations and also for connection with the Goddess.

3) Stew & Dumplings

This Stew & Dumplings recipe is excellent for cold weather. It’s a good recipe for celebrations such as Mabon, Samhain, Yule and Imbolc.

Stew and Dumplings Casserole recipe

Stew & Dumplings

Learn this Stew and Dumplings recipe and prepare it during celebrations. Use the herbs and spices to clean your energy and the environment too.

4) Beef bourguignon

This Beef Bourguignon is great to share with people you love and celebrate Sabbats like Mabon, Samhain, Yule, and Imbolc. Make this recipe and offer for other as if you were offering to Gaia and thanking her for all the abundance and prosperity you have.

Beef Bourguignon recipe

Beef Bourguignon

This Beef Bourguignon recipe is a great way to celebrate the abundance and prosperity in your life. Learn this recipe and share it with others!

5) Coq au Vin

The Coq au Vin recipe takes wine, which is a great offering for many Deities. Especially during Mabon, you can offer wine in order to thank for all the good harvest.

coq au vin recipe

Coq au Vin

The Coq au Vin recipe is a great way to thank the Deities for a good harvest. Prepare this meal and share it with your family!

6) Pork Stroganoff

This Pork Stroganoff recipe is great for celebrations such as Mabon, Samhain, Yule, and Imbolc. It takes pork and many herbs and great ingredients.

Pork Stroganoff Recipe

Pork Stroganoff

This Pork Stroganoff recipe is great for an abundance and prosperity ritual during celebrations like Mabon, Samhain, Yule, and Imbolc.

7) Garlic Chicken Casserole

This Garlic Chicken Casserole recipe has squash among its ingredients. It’s a great offering to many Deities and also a great meal for a Mabon celebration!

Garlic Chicken Casserole

Garlic Chicken Casserole

This Garlic Chicken Casserole recipe has squash among its ingredients. It’s a great offering to many Deities and also a great meal for a Mabon celebration!

Feel free to try these recipes during your celebration and tell me the results!

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