As it was seen in Summoning Magic post, one of the main material we have nowadays aboiut this subject is Lemegeton – The Lesser Key of Solomon, Solomon’s grimoire which is made of 4 books that list spirits, seals, and instructions on how to summon them. Accordingly to some researchers, there is a fifth book with notes and some general information.
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Goetia – Summoning demons (part 1)
The information below, as well as the illustrations, are based on the following books: The Goetia : the lesser key of Solomon the King (ISBN 087728-847-X) and Lemegeton: The Complete Lesser Key of Solomon (ISBN 0-9672797-0-4)
Hierarchy: Chief, King of the East
Attributes: Can make man invisible and rules over 66 legions of inferior spirits
Appearance: Cat, Toad, Man or All Together
Hierarchy: Duke, under the command of the East
Attributes: Can teach all present languages, can destroy honors (both temporal and supernatural) and can cause earthquakes; and has 31 Legions of Spirits
Appearance: A tranquil old man mounted on a crocodile with a goshawk in his fist.
Additional information: Originally it was part of the Order of Virtues (Angelic Hierarchy)
Hierarchy: Prince
Attributes: Spirit of good nature that decides what happened and what is to come, he also discovers and finds hidden or lost things. He governs 26 legions of spirits.
Appearance: ?
Hierarchy: Marquis
Attributes: Teaches liberal science and calculates the number of dead souls who died through sin
Appearance: A small horse or donkey
Hierarchy: President
Attributes: Provides real answers about hidden or secret things; Causes diseases and provides healing; Offers great wisdom and knowledge in mechanical arts and offers the ability for man to shape shift. Governs over 36 legions of spirits.
Appearance: Initially in the form of a large lion, but later in the form of a man
Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: A good companion, but tries who is familiar with him to practice the theft. Governs over 10 legions of spirits
Appearance: Lion with man’s head
Hierarchy: Marquis
Attributes: He is very powerful; He knows the past and foresees the future; Finds love and reconcile friendships
Appearance: Initially a wolf that spits fire and has snake tail, but can become a man with dog teeth and crow head
Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: Provides understanding of birds singing, voices of other creatures, dogs barking and so on. Undo enchantments made to seal treasures. He knows the past and the future; Controls 30 legions of spirits
Appearance: Appears when the Sun is in Virgo accompanied by 4 noble kings and their troops.
Additional information: Originally it was part of the Order of Virtues (Angelic Hierarchy)
Hierarchy: Great King, obeys Lucifer
Attributes: Can teach all arts and sciences, plus secret things. It provides honor and can cause anyone to submit to whoever calls him. He has 200 legions of spirits under his command, part of them are from the Order of the Angels and another from the Potentates
Appearance: A man with a crown sitting on a dromedary
Additional information: Must be observed in the Northwest and makes part of the Order of Dominations (Angelic Hierarchy)
Hierarchy: President
Attributes: Teaches moral and natural philosophy, logical arts and properties of herbs and plants; Heals all disturbances and offers good family members; Governs over 50 legions of spirits
Appearance: ?
Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: He tells everything about the past, present and future; Answers any question; Reconciles friends and offers honor and dignity to anyone. Command 40 legions of spirits
Appearance: ?
Hierarchy: Prince
Attributes: Inflammates people with sexual desire; Governs over 60 legions of spirits
Appearance: initially with leopard face and griffin wings, then takes on human form
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Hierarchy: King
Attributes: Powerful and terrible, he is able to force anyone to love the one who invokes him. Governs over 85 legions of spirits
Appearance: A man with trumpets on a pale horse guided by various musical instruments
Additional information: He is part of the Order of Powers (Angelic Hierarchy)
Hierarchy: Marquis
Attributes: He causes all battles and competitions as well as wounds to putrify. Governs over 30 legions of spirits
Appearance: Appearance of an archer, always carrying archery
Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: Detects hidden things and predicts events related to war and warriors; Causes love between lords and great people. Governs over 60 legions of spirits
Appearance: A knight carrying a spear, an ensign, and a serpent
Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: It makes men and women come together and also makes them sterile. Governs over 26 legions of spirits
Appearance: A man dressed in red and armed like a soldier
Hierarchy: President e Earl
Attributes: Know the past and the future, reconcile friends and enemies. Governs over 60 legions of spirits
Appearance: Initially as a horrible viper, then takes human form with large teeth and two horns carrying a bright and sharp sword in his hand
Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: He knows the properties of herbs and precious stones; Can carry a person in an instant from one place to another. Governs over 30 legions of spirits
Appearance: A strong man with a snake-tail, riding a pale horse
Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: Cause love between men and women
Appearance: A gallant soldier on a crocodile
Hierarchy: King
Attributes: Knows secret things and can find treasures; Can say everything about the present, past and future. He can take the human or aerial form and provide sincere answers to all earthly, secret and divine things. Governs over 22 legions of spirits, part of the Order of Virtues and part of the Order of Thrones
Appearance: A lion-faced man carrying a cruel viper in his hands and mounted on a bear
Hierarchy: Earl and President
Attributes: Offers knowledge about astronomy and other sciences. Provides good family members and knowledge about herbs and precious stones; Governs over 30 legions of spirits
Appearance: A great bull with man’s face
Hierarchy: Earl and President
Attributes: He knows past and future and makes man gracious and courageous. Governs over 36 legions of spirits
Appearance: An angel with goose feet and hare’s tail
Hierarchy: Duke
Attributes: He can set fire to cities, castles and palaces; Makes the man gracious and offers answers on private matters
Appearance: A very handsome man with three heads, being the first of a serpent, the second of a man with two stars on the forehead and the third of a cat.
Hierarchy: Marquis
Attributes: He teaches all arts and sciences, especially the art of rhetoric. Restores lost honor and dignity. Governs over 19 legions of spirits
Appearance: Black crow
Hierarchy: President
Attributes: ETeaches all the arts in an instant and cause carnage and bloodshed; Reveals the past and the future and can create love between friends and enemies; Can also make the man invisible. Governs over 36 legions of spirits
Appearance: Dog with griffin wings
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