Juno – Goddess of Marriage and Union

Attributes: Goddess of marriage, conjugal union, perseverance and determination Symbols: Peacock, golden crown, lily Place: Rome The Goddess Juno is the Queen of the Gods in Roman Mythology. Jupiter‘s wife and sister, Juno does not have an exact origin, it is only known that she is one of the oldest Roman deities, having records dating …


Brigid – Goddess of Fire and Alchemy

Attributes: Goddess of poetry, alchemy, medicine and forges Símbolo: Fire, poetry, bell, arrow or spear, cow, water fountains and wells Local: Ireland With many names and devotees, the Goddess Brigid is a Celtic Goddess very popular in Europe, especially in Ireland. She is the Goddess of fire, female fertility, power, healing, medicine, agriculture, inspiration, divination, witchcraft …


Maria – Goddess of Miracles and Motherhood

Attributes: Mother Goddess of Miracles Symbols: Crown, robe, heart, rosary Place: Christian Europe After the christianization of the Pagan Religions, the characteristics that managed to survive were transformed to be adapted to the new religion. We see this on holidays throughout the year as Easter, transformation of the Sabbat Ostara, and Christmas, transformation of the …


Cailleach – Goddess of Winter and Endings

Attributes: Goddess of Winter, Protection of Animals, Wisdom Symbols: Stones, mountains, gorges, cats, rabbits Place: Ireland, Scotland, England The Goddess Cailleach is one of the oldest deities associated with Celtic Mythology, perhaps the earliest known in Ireland. It is not possible to know how she was venerated or by whom, since the Celts arrived at those lands …


Paivatar – Goddess of the Sun and Freedom

Attributes: Goddess of the Sun, day, summer and weaving Symbols: Sun, light and heat Place: Finland Sharing some similarities with the Japanese Goddess Amaterasu, the Goddess Paivatar is the pagan representation of the Sun in Finland and sister of the Moon Goddess, Kuu. Legends tell that she lived in the sky, where she weaves the golden …


Inanna – Goddess of the Sky and Inner Strength

In ancient Mesopotamia, the Goddess Inanna was the most worshiped female deity. In Sumerian her name means “The Lady of the Skies” and to the north of Babylon she is called Ishtar. Inanna is an adventurous Goddess of many myths. Among them it is told that she decided to go down to the underworld to …


Ereshkigal – Goddess of Death and Renewal

Attributes: Goddess of death and transformation, queen of the underworld Symbols: Horses, lions and death itself Place: Mesopotamia Inside a palace of Lapis Lazuli lies a large black-haired nude woman who draws the dead to herself. This is the Goddess Ereshkigal, Queen of Irkalla or Attalu, the underworld in Sumerian and Babylonian Mythologies. Sometimes she …


Goddess Bast – Egyptian Goddess of Cats and Protection

The Goddess Bast or Goddess Bastet is considered to be a conterpart of the Lion Goddess Sekhmet in some legends. In other, they are twin sisters. Bast is a Cat Goddess, dauguthter of the Sun God Ra. The Goddess Bast is related to the ancient Egyptians’ devotion to their domestic cats. The felines kept the rodent population low, …


Saule – Goddess of the Sun and Life Cycle

Attributes: Goddess of the sun, life, fertility, warmth and health Symbols: Amber, apple, crown, daisy or sunflower, rosette Place: Lithuania, eastern Poland and the Baltic Sea The Goddess Saule is the Lithuanian Goddess of the Sun, responsible for the well-being and regeneration of the life cycle on Earth. It is said that it accompanies the …
