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The free Cowrie Shell reading on Santuário Lunar is where you throw and learn the Cowrie Shells spiritual meaning in 16 different combinations from the comfort of your home and whenever you want it. This divination method is available here 24 hours, every day!
Whenever you have a doubt or need some guidance and you can’t find a Babalawo to help you personally, you just need to come over to this page and have the free Cowrie Shell reading. This divination method comes from the Yoruba Religion and it is widely used by religions such as Santeria, Umbanda, and Canbimble today.
Learn how to use it below:
Would you like shell readings for love? Work? Money? Personal life?
When you touch it, you’ll see the cowrie shell divination happen. 16 Cowrie shells will be displayed in the “open” or “close” positions.
When you touch the 16 shells, you’ll see the Cowrie Shells spiritual meaning and which Orisha(s) brings the message to you.
Touch the link or scroll down the page until you find the number of open shells you got. Now you’ll have the full spiritual meaning to your shell reading. That’s it! Now you know how the Cowrie Shell reading works on Santuário Lunar!
Cowrie Shells spiritual meaning – the 16 different Odu
The free Cowrie Shell reading on Santuário Lunar works in a similar way to the traditional divination method with a Babalawo. After asking your question and tapping the image to throw the shells, you will see the result. When playing free Cowrie shells online, 16 shells are thrown over the sieve and they can fall in both “open” and/or “closed” positions. The number of Cowrie shells that fall in the “open” position and the number of Cowrie shells that fall in the “close” position determine the spiritual meaning of the shell reading.
Each combination of “open” and “close” Cowrie shells represent an “Odu” (Destiny) and each Odu has a name and one (or more) Orisha that brings the answer. For example, if the combination is 1 open shell and 15 closed shells, this combination represents the Odu Okaran and the one who brings the message in this Odu is Eshu. From this, interpretations can be made according to your question.
The free Cowrie Shell reading channels the energies of the Orishas. Therefore, this divination should be done by people who share a connection with these deities. It is very common for Babalawos to throw cowrie shells in religions that have African origins such as Santeria, Umbanda, and Candomble, for example.
Now that you know how to do the free Cowrie Shell reading online, check below which one of the 16 Odu has the answer to your question, and scroll down the page to find it! Read it as many times as necessary and feel free to ask another question to the Cowrie Shell reading on this page.
00 Neutral Combination
Whenever you throw the Cowrie Shells and all the 16 shells land closed, we have a neutral combination. The spiritual meaning here is that there are no answers and it is necessary to throw the shells again. If this combination is repeated when doing the shell reading online, it is better not to insist on the reading and try it again on another day.

01 Odu: Okaran
When 1 cowrie shell lands open and 15 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have the Odu Okaran. Who responds in this combination is Eshu and the answer tends to be a complex “No and Yes”.
If you got this Odu on your divination, keep your eyes open! Eshu brings an ambiguous message here. If you asked a very objective question, wanting to know something very specific where the answer should be YES or NO, the answer tends to be a YES here.
However, if you asked a broader question about your life, love, work, or finances… the answer tends to be a NO and with some warnings. The Odu Okaran indicates difficulties, quarrels, envy, confusion, and turmoil. Also, this Odu can indicate imminent dangers, prisons, spiritual problems, and even energy blocks made by someone against you.
This is one of the most complex Odu of the free Cowrie Shell reading.
Odu Okaran | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | No and Yes at the same time (probably Yes) |
Money | Negative |
Love | Negative |
Career / Work | Negative |
Personal Life | Positive and Negative |
Suggestion | Seek spiritual help. Make an offering for Eshu or seek help from someone who can protect you and help you get rid of what blocks you. |

02 Odu: Egi Okô
When 2 shells land open and 14 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have the Odu Egi Okô. Who responds in this combination is Ogun and the answer tends to be “Yes”.
Odu Egi Okô brings a positive answer to your question, especially if it is related to work issues and day-to-day tasks. However, as the one who answers this Odu is Ogun, he indicates that there will be battles to conquer what you want. And these battles can be intense against enemies you already know, new enemies, and even hidden enemies.
Ogun asks that you have the willpower to move forward in this fight because victory will be certain.
Odu Egi Okô | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | Yes |
Money | Positive |
Love | Positive |
Career / Work | Positive |
Personal Life | Positive |
Suggestion | Pay attention to all the people around you and assess who are your allies and who are your enemies. Don’t be fooled! I suggest reading the article on how to identify and fight energy vampires, as you may have many of them around you. |

03 Odu: Eta Ogundá
When 3 shells land open and 13 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have the Odu Ota Ogundá. Who responds in this combination is Obaluae and the answer tends to be “No”.
Odu Eta Ogundá brings an answer that tends to be “No”. However, this “No” can be interpreted as something very positive. Who brings the message in this Odu is Obaluae. If you asked a direct question, requiring a “yes or no” answer, the answer should be “no” to protect you and your family. Pay attention to everyone’s health around you, including your own. In the shell reading, this Odu is very dangerous.
This Odu indicates dangers related to different types of illness including anxiety and depression. These illnesses may be related to you or people close to you. It also indicates the possibility of death or suicide. Also, new blockages may be created around you.
In the financial field, this Odu indicates luck and a possible inheritance or prize.
Odu Eta Ogundá | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | No |
Money | Positive |
Love | Negative |
Career / Work | Negative |
Personal Life | Negative |
Suggestion | Focus on your health and the health of your family members. Even if you need to take a break from everything, do it. Health is the most important issue in this Odu. |

04 Odu: Yorosun
When 4 shells land open and 12 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Yorosun. Who responds in this combination is Yemaya and the answer tends to be “Maybe”.
Odu Yorosun brings indecision, inability to make decisions, and doubts. Who brings the message in this Odu is Yemaya and she warns that there are people close to you who may bring uncomfortable surprises and may also try to disrupt your life. On the other hand, it also indicates that there is a positive force helping you to achieve what you want.
If your question was a direct question, requiring a “YES or NO” answer, the answer here is “MAYBE”. It is necessary to take a closer look at the details of the situation in order to make a decision.
If you asked a general question, mainly about finances or career, this Odu indicates that there is balance and that what you want to know has a great chance of coming true.
Odu Yorosun | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | Maybe |
Money | Positive |
Love | Positive |
Career / Work | Positive |
Personal Life | Positive |
Suggestion | Pay attention to everything around you and focus mainly on those closest to you, as you will need the support of everyone around you. Try to avoid making decisions for now. Wait. |

05 Odu: Oxé
When 5 shells land open and 11 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Oxé. Who responds in this combination is Oshun and the answer tends to be “Yes”.
The Odu Oxé indicates that the energies of prosperity, abundance, and wealth are all around you. Who brings the message in this Odu is Oshun. She shows that there is suffering on your way, but that you will overcome all of this and enjoy life soon. If your question was direct, requiring a “YES or NO” answer, the answer brought by Oshun is yes!
However, this Odu indicates that love relationships tend to end and a lot of sadness can take over. It’s not the best time to start new relationships either.
In all other areas, the energies are favoring you.
Odu Oxé | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | Yes |
Money | Positive |
Love | Negative |
Career / Work | Positive |
Personal Life | Negative |
Suggestion | Focus on achieving your goals. Leave your love life as it is at the moment and try not to suffer for it. |

06 Odu: Obará
When 6 shells land open and 10 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Obará. Those who respond in this combination are Ochossi and Logum-Ede and the answer tends to be “Yes”.
Odu Obará brings certainty in all areas. Those who bring the message in this combination are Ochossi and Logun-Ede together, so there are no indecisions or doubts. If your question was straightforward, requiring a “Yes or No” answer, then it is YES! Also, this Odu indicates that you will have great support from friends and allies to achieve what you want!
Odu Obará | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | Yes |
Money | Positive |
Love | Positive |
Career / Work | Positive |
Personal Life | Positive |
Suggestion | Enjoy the energies of luck and wealth around you and don’t focus on problems! |

07 Odu: Odi
When 7 shells land open and 9 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Odi. Those who respond in this combination are Omulu and Oshala and the answer tends to be “No”.
The Odu Odi indicates negative energies, problems, and unpleasant situations. However, it can also indicate big dramatic changes with a difficult beginning but a pleasant ending. Those who bring the message in this Odu are Omulu and Oshala. Omulu warns of misfortunes. In this aspect, he indicates that desires, pleasures, and ambitions must be controlled so as not to lead to something negative. Likewise, anxiety must be contained so that no thoughtless action is taken.
If the question was objective, the answer is “No”.
With Oshala, the message in this Odu is that changes must be accepted — no matter how difficult they are at the moment. These changes will be welcomed and will lead to a better destination.
Odu Odi | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | No |
Money | Neutral |
Love | Neutral |
Career / Work | Neutral |
Personal Life | Neutral |
Suggestion | Don’t make decisions now, just accept the changes that are happening. Be strong. |

08 Odu: Egi Onilé
When 8 shells land open and 8 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Egi Onilé. Who responds in this combination is Oshaguia and the answer tends to be “No and Yes” at the same time.
Odu Egi Onile brings a message of caution so that you stop and think about what you really want and how you want to achieve that. If you asked a direct question, the answer is either “No” or “Yes”, because it will all depend on you.
Who brings the message in this Odu is Oshaguia. In a positive sense, it indicates that you have a lot of spiritual protection, honesty, and perseverance. It means all areas are favored: love, finance, career, and everything else. However, in a negative sense, he warns that you need to be careful with how you seek to achieve what you want. If it’s through revenge, pure rivalry, cheating, or things like that, you’d better stop or you’ll face consequences. And if your desires and goals were to harm someone in any way, it’s better not to pursue them either.
Odu Egi Onilé | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | No and Yes at the same time |
Money | Positive |
Love | Positive |
Career / Work | Positive |
Personal Life | Positive and Negative |
Suggestion | Enjoy the energies of protection and spiritual elevation and renew your goals if necessary. Let go of feelings of revenge and hatred. |

09 Odu: Ossá
When 9 shells land open and 7 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Ossá. Who responds in this combination is Yemaya and the answer tends to be “Maybe”.
Odu Ossá brings a message that confirms your ability to manifest what you want but also warns that you need to be moderate and committed. The one who brings the message in this Odu is Yemaya and she responds “Maybe” to questions that require a yes or no answer.
Yemaya also shows that relationships between you and people close to you may be fragile, so you shouldn’t count on anyone right now — just yourself. Focus on your power of creation and your persistence, because only your energy counts to accomplish and manifest what you want now.
This Odu can also indicate travel and change.
Odu Ossá | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | Maybe |
Money | Positive |
Love | Negative |
Career / Work | Positive |
Personal Life | Positive and Negative |
Suggestion | Avoid relying on other people for help at the moment and focus on your energy. If opportunities for change or travel arise, accept them. |

10 Odu: Ofun
When 10 shells land open and 6 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Ofun. Who answers in this combination is Oshalufa and the answer tends to be “Yes”.
The Odu Ofun brings stability and confidence. Here it is indicated that you keep things as they are, without trying to make sudden changes. Who answers here is Oshalufa and he says that everything you want will be conquered, but he also warns you not to force anything. If you asked an objective question, the answer is “YES”.
This Odun also indicates the end of problems and the resolution of complex issues. Just wait for everything to resolve itself naturally because what could be done has already been done.
Odu Ofun | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | Yes |
Money | Positive |
Love | Positive |
Career / Work | Positive |
Personal Life | Positive |
Suggestion | Enjoy this moment of solution and conciliation. Enjoy luck. However, avoid acting and making decisions so as not to change the energies that are already in your favor. |

11 Odu: Owarin
When 11 shells land open and 5 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Owarin. Who responds in this combination is Iansa and the answer tends to be “Maybe”.
Odu Owarin brings an answer full of doubts that can be understood as illusions that may be blinding your path. If your question required a “YES or NO” answer, the answer here is “MAYBE” without making it clear whether it tends to be positive or negative. This happens because the one who brings the answer to this Odu is Iansa with her storm. And a storm can be necessary for growth or it can be destructive.
Iansa, however, brings protection to you and the people close to you. Also known as Oya, she is a great protector of those in need of protection. Therefore, if you received this Odu, feel protected by Iansa and remain confident in your path.
Odu Owarin | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | Maybe |
Money | Positive |
Love | Positive |
Career / Work | Positive |
Personal Life | Positive |
Suggestion | Take advantage of Iansa’s protection and continue to pursue your goals. Just pay attention on the way, as problems will surface to try to cause some destabilization. Do not allow it! |

12 Odu: Egi Laxeborá
When 12 shells land open and 4 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Egi Laxeborá. Who answers in this combination is Shango and the answer tends to be “Yes”.
This Odu symbolizes justice, truth, and also giant battles! That’s because the one who brings the answer to this Odu is Shango with all his strength, wisdom, and determination. Just as Shango values justice and clarity, he and his fire element can cause explosions and problems. If your question was objective, the answer is “YES”.
This Odu is favorable for solving disputes, legal problems, conflicts, and quarrels. It is also very good for expanding business and gaining credibility and respect.
Odu Egi Laxeborá | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | Yes |
Money | Positive |
Love | Negative |
Career / Work | Positive |
Personal Life | Negative |
Suggestion | Use Shango’s energy to solve problems and issues once and for all. Also, take the opportunity to invest in your business or career. |

13 Odu: Egi Ologbon
When 13 shells land open and 3 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Egi Ologbon. Those who respond in this combination are Nana Buruku and Obaluae and the answer tends to be “Yes and No”.
Odu Egi Ologbon brings profound changes in your life. These changes will be so big that it is not possible to predict them at the moment, so prepare as much as you can for when they start! Who answers here are the Orishas Nana Buruku and her son Obaluae. The two bring this energy of transformation and change, in a general renewal. However, they can also indicate death. And death could be yours or someone close to you.
If your question was objective, the answer is “Yes and No” at the same time. You need to review the issue more carefully before making up your mind.
Odu Egi Ologbon | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | Yes and No |
Money | Negative |
Love | Negative |
Career / Work | Negative |
Personal Life | Positive |
Suggestion | Be careful with the decisions you will make now and observe your life and those close to you. Illness and death may be close. |

14 Odu: Iká Ori
When 14 shells land open and 2 shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Iká Ori. Those who respond in this combination are Oshumare and Ossain and the answer tends to be “Maybe”.
The Odu Iká Ori brings prosperity, wealth, and new opportunities. Those who bring the answer are Oshumare with a beautiful rainbow that appears after a moment of turbulence and Ossain with all the abundance of the forest. Therefore, if you feel that you are in this turbulence, in the middle of a storm, prepare yourself for the arrival of a rainbow with all its beauty and splendor and the rebirth of the forest. If your question was objective, the answer is “Maybe”, as there are elements beyond your control.
This Odu is great for resolving financial situations and getting some money owed or winning cash prizes. It also favors work and career. However, it is important to know that alliances should not be made at this time, so avoid new partnerships.
Odu Iká Ori | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | Maybe (there are some elements out of your control) |
Money | Positive |
Love | Negative |
Career / Work | Positive |
Personal Life | Negative |
Suggestion | Enjoy the abundance of the forest (Ossain) and the appearance of the rainbow (Oshumare). Gather or accumulate as much money and material goods as you can now. |

15 Odu: Obe Ogundá
When 15 shells land open and 1 shell lands closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Obe Ogundá. Those who respond in this combination are Oba and Ewa and the answer tends to be “Maybe”.
The Odu Obe Ogundá brings a path of opportunities, but also of blockages. It all depends on where the situation is. Those who bring the answer here are Oba and Ewa. If the situation is at the beginning, whatever it may be, the chances of moving forward and bearing fruit are great with Oba. Now, if the situation has already started and is ongoing, Ewa warns that obstacles and blockages will arise and will probably prevent success.
If your question was straightforward, the answer here is “Maybe”. The same thing written above applies here. If it’s at the beginning of something, the answer tends to be “YES”, but if it’s in the middle of a situation, the answer tends to be “NO”.
Odu Obe Ogundá | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | Yes (if it’s in the beginning) or No (if it’s already begun) |
Money | Positive (if it’s in the beginning) or Negative (if it’s already begun) |
Love | Positive (if it’s in the beginning) or Negative (if it’s already begun) |
Career / Work | Positive (if it’s in the beginning) or Negative (if it’s already begun) |
Personal Life | Positive (if it’s in the beginning) or Negative (if it’s already begun) |
Suggestion | Think carefully about what you asked before seeing this Odu. Judge with all sincerity if you are starting something or if what you want is already in progress. Remember: If you’re going to start something, Oba says yes; if you have already started something, Ewa says no. |

16 Odu: Alafia
When 16 shells land open and no shells land closed in the Cowrie shell reading, we have Odu Alafia. Who answers in this combination is Orunmila and the answer tends to be “Yes, absolutely sure”.
Odu Alafia brings light, truth, wisdom, and a lot of strength in all areas and for all questions. Who answers in this Odu is Orunmila, chief and responsible for Ifá, the system of divination you are using here. Orunmila brings very positive and powerful messages to help you accomplish whatever you want.
If your question was objetive, the answer is “YES”, absolutely!
Odu Alafia | Answers |
Objeticve question (Yes or Não) | Yes, absolutely! |
Money | Positive |
Love | Positive |
Career / Work | Positive |
Personal Life | Positive |
Suggestion | Enjoy it! All energies are in your favor now! |

Cowrie Shell spiritual meaning reading: What to ask?
Are you in doubt about what to ask in the free Cowrie Shell reading? Or have you already read your Cowrie shell spiritual meaning combination and would like inspiration to make another question? See below a suggestion with the 10 most common questions asked when doing these shell readings.
- Will my project/work/idea work?
- Will I succeed with my love (person’s name)?
- Can my colleagues/friends/family be trusted?
- Do I need to worry about my health status?
- Has someone cast a spell against me?
- Am I pregnant? Will I get pregnant?
- Am I suffering betrayal?
- Should I change jobs/residence?
- What should I do about (name a personal problem)?
- Why am I suffering so much?
I hope you have good results playing my free Cowrie shell reading and that you come back often.
This Cowrie shell reading is free and there are some other types of free oracles and divination methods here on Santuário Lunar. Feel free to use them all: