The Goddess Isis is one of the most popular Egyptian Goddesses nowadays and in Egyptian Mythology. She is usually depicted with great wings in her paintings and worshipped for thousands of years in Egypt. Isis represents magic, the power of love and protection.
You can watch the video below or continue reading this article for some more information about Isis, her symbols, and a ritual suggestion.
She is the daughter of the Goddess Nut and the God Geb. Accordingly to Egyptian Mythology, Isis came from the star Sirius to care for people and educate them. Her brother and lover, the God of Underworld and Afterlife Osiris, came from the constellation Orion.

The Goddess Isis plays a key role in the death. At every death rites, she was placed at the foot of the sarcophagus and her sister, Goddess Nephthys, at the top. Isis and Nephthys usually appear together in many representations, including in the Papyrus of Ani (The Book of Death). It is also said that the Goddess Isis gave birth to Horus and Nephthys nursed him.
- Attributes: Creation, Magic, Love
- Symbols: Wings, Wild Goose, Ankh
- Place: Egypt
Goddess Isis – Goddess of Magic
The Goddess Isis suffered a lot when her brother and lover, Osiris, was killed by another brother, The God of Chaos Set. Isis, saddened by the loss of her love, tore her clothes, posed as a normal person, and set out on a journey to find the body of Osiris.
Upon arriving in Phoenicia, Isis became the maid of Queen Astarte who did not recognize her as Goddess in the beginning. After her identity was discovered, Isis told Astarte her story and the queen revealed that the body of Osiris was in the palace. Isis took the body of Osiris back to Egypt to be buried. However, upon learning that the Goddess had found the body, Set succeeded in stealing it and breaking it into fourteen parts.

The Goddess Isis did not give up and went in search of all the parts. It did not take long, and she gathered almost every part, only missing Osiris’s penis. With her magic, Isis replaced her lover’s penis with a piece of gold. Still using her magic, Isis brought Osiris back to life and managed to bear a son, the Sun God Horus.
Goddess Isis – Goddess of Love

Goddess Isis’s determination to find her lover’s body, and later his parts, shows us how important it is to fight for what we love.
Even though she could not find his penis, Isis relied on her powers to make an artificial one which worked normally. This shows us that no matter what the barrier we face, it is always possible to overcome it.
The Goddess Isis is portrayed carrying an ankh, an oval-shaped cross on its top. This symbol symbolizes the life and magic of Isis, able to bring life back to a body.

Summoning Goddess Isis
This summoning was adapted from the book The Goddess Path by Patricia Monaghan.
We can summon Goddess Isis at times when we need sentimental support, the strength to continue our journey, or at times when we need to rely more on ourselves. The myth of Isis can be summarized in three stages: loss, pain and overcoming. In all the difficult times in our lives, we go through these three steps.
A good way to connect with the Goddess is by mounting an altar for her, placing the ankh as a symbol and symbolizing her feathered wings. From there it is necessary to think about the moment you are going through and ask Isis to bring her magic so that you find the best way to overcome this moment.
It is important to stress that summoning Goddess Isis will not make your pain disappear instantly. The Goddess will help you find a way to overcome the obstacle, but the task will also depend on you.
The Goddess Tarot

The Goddess Isis is on the Goddess Tarot by Kris Waldherr. The card number I, Isis, represents Magic.
The great Egyptian Goddess of fertility is a powerful symbol of the alchemical transformation suggested by this card. Only she had the secret name of Ra, the ruling God, giving her unlimited magical powers.
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Impressive work.