In the Buddhist religion, the Goddess Kuan Yin is venerated by millions of people and regarded as the ultimate symbol of spiritual purity. For centuries she symbolized the great ideal of Mahayana Buddhism and she was destined to become a Buddha, but she renounced attaining Nirvana once she heard the cries of suffering people all over the Earth. She decided to remain on Earth to help those in need for as long as it was necessary.
Her origin myth has countless versions and variations and perhaps the best-known one is here Kuan Yin was born as a princess, called Miao Shan and she was despised by her parents for being the third daughter, while they expected a son. Her parents arranged a marriage with a rich man, but Miao Shan never liked the idea, because she wanted to follow the life in search of spiritual enlightenment through meditations.
- Attributes: Lady of karma, Goddess of compassion, mercy and unconditional love
- Symbols: Dragon, Lotus Flower, White Tiger, vessel with Water
- Place: China
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Kuan Yin and Lung Nu |
Her father sent her to a Buddhist convent, but he requested mistreatment for Miao Shan, leaving her to do all the heavy tasks, in hope she would regret it and return to her palace. However, his strategy did not work and Miao Shan continued to meditate and elevate her spirit.
Furious, her father ordered her to be killed. When she was taken to the forest by soldiers, she knew what was waiting for her, but she still showed no fear and remained calm. Moments before her death a huge white tiger emerged, knocking down the guards and taking Miao Shan to the underworld where she encountered the Lord of Death together with several souls in eternal suffering. Asking the Lord of Death for mercy, the souls were released.
After returning to the surface, Miao Shan continued to lead her quiet and meditative life.
One day she received the news that her father had become ill. To heal him, Miao Shan offered one of her arms and one of her eyes. However, her father still remained ill. Miao Shan then offered her other arm and her other eye. Her father, healed, regretted everything he did to his daughter and then, miraculously, Miao Shan was perfectly restored and attained enlightenment, becoming Kuan Yin.
However, Kuan Yin wished to remain on Earth until all souls in need of help were helped and attained enlightenment.
Kuan Yin is also known as Guanyin or Quan Am. In Japan she is portrayed as Kwannon, God of Mercy. With the mixing of cultures in Asia, many times Kuan Yin and the Goddess Tara are portrayed as being the same Goddess, but each one has different symbologies.
The Karma Law
Currently Kuan Yin is considered the Lady of Karma, and she can intercede favorably at the moment of death and transition of any conscious being. Karma literally means “action” in Sanskrit, a word also adopted by various religions around the world.
The law of Karma is what adjusts the effect to its cause. Any good or evil that we have done in one of our lives will bring us good or bad consequences for this or the next lives.
This law never changes and is known in various religions as “celestial justice.”
Kuan Yin also intercedes for all those who are going through difficult times in which they need spiritual support.
Thank u
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