Oracle of Aphrodite – Free Online Oracle Reading

Oracle of Aphrodite Free Online Oracle Reading

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The Oracle of Aphrodite is another gift from Santuário Lunar to you. Here in this oracle, everything is related to the Greek Goddess of Love and Beauty, the beautiful Aphrodite! Access the other free online oracles of Santuário Lunar too.

In this oracle, you will find advice from the Goddess that will be useful in your love life and also in your personal life, as Aphrodite also symbolizes self-love. Also, the questions raised in this oracle are great for anyone wanting to activate the Aphrodite archetype or invoke Aphrodite for a love spell.

Veja abaixo como utilizar este oráculo:


Focus to visualize a symbol related to Aphrodite


Find out which Aphrodite symbol brings something to you today


Read the message and make the suggested reflections. In the end, there will always be a link to read more about the symbols of Aphrodite.

Oracle of Aphrodite - 00 back of the card
Symbols of Aphrodite - 09 Sea Waters

Sea waters are a symbol of Aphrodite that represent freedom and purification, as well as tides represent the change of mood of the Goddess. When you come across sea waters, reflect on the following: Are you allowing yourself to feel and express your emotions in your love life? Do you control your mood swings so as not to unnecessarily hurt those who are close to you? Can you accept the tidal changes of the person you love? Do you understand that tides rise and fall and that everything can be temporary? Sea waters can be dangerous, but when you understand them, you enjoy what is most beautiful in the world.

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