Oracle of Hecate – Online Free Oracle Reading

Online Free Oracle Reading - Oracle of Hecate

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The Oracle of Hecate is an Online Free Oracle Reading from Santuário Lunar to you. In this oracle, everything is related to Goddess Hecate!

That’s why it’s recommended to have some affinity with her before using it.

Learn how to use it:


Concentrate and think about why you need Hecate’s guidance


Reveal the symbol hidden in the card


Read about the symbol and the message it brings. This oracle is very subjective, so you won’t find a “to-do” suggestion here. You must think about what you received her and connect with Hecate to look for more answers.

Oracle of Hecate - 00 Verse
Oracle of Hecate - 14 Horse

The horse is a powerful and strong animal capable of crossing worlds and seeing beyond our dimension. Being one of Hecate’s favorite animals, he is symbolized by the element of fire, which gives him a lot of energy. Horses are one of Hecate’s symbols, and can even be seen as one of her faces. When you come across the horse here, you may need to pay more attention to what is unseen around you. Look with the eyes of the soul and not with the material eyes. Another meaning suggests that maybe you need to use the fire you have inside yourself more and not let that flame go out.

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