Listen below to the Orphic Hymn to Hecate recited in English. You can use it as a prayer to Hekate, during your rituals, and even for summoning her.
Orphic Hymn to Hecate
1. To Hecate
Lovely Hecate of the roads and crossroads I invoke;
In heaven, on earth, and in the sea, saffron-cloaked,
Tomb spirit, reveling in the souls of the dead,
Daughter of Perses, haunting deserted places, delighting in dear,
Nocturnal, dog-loving, monstrous queen,
Devouring wild beasts, ungirt, of repelling countenance.
You, herder of bulls, queen and mistress of the whole world,
Leader, nymph, mountain-roaming nurturer of youth, maiden,
I beseech you to come to these holy rites,
Ever with joyous heart and ever favoring the oxherd.
Recited by Jesse Guelfi
This is Apostolos N. Athanassakis version
You can buy books with the hymns here.

Meet Goddess Hekate
Hecate is one of the most popular Greek Goddesses among practitioners of modern Witchcraft. She’s regarded as the Goddess of Witchcraft and her stories in Greek Mythology always involve the dark arts. Here’s a list of some resources I’ve created and published about her that are going to help you to get to know her better:
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