The Ostara Sabbat occurs on the Wheel of the Year during the Spring Equinox (Vernal Equinox).
On this date, the Earth and the Sun are perfectly aligned so day and night have the same duration.
This is a moment of balance in which joy and renewal brought by the Spring are celebrated. Flowers and painted eggs are used to decorate houses and streets.
Ostara precedes Lughnadash (also known as Lammas) Sabbat and happens after Imbolc Sabbat.
You can watch the video below and/or continue reading this post:
- Northern Hemisphere: March 21st or 22nd
- Southern Hemisphere: September 21st or 22nd
- Colours: green, yellow and white

Being a moment of perfect balance, the seeds are blessed so that they can blossom soon and burdens and personal worries are set aside.
In Christianity, this time symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus. In Ostara, the one who resurrects is the Earth that leaves the cold behind and blossoms again with the energy of the Sun God and the young Goddess.
Ostara Sabbat and Spring Renewal
The Ostara Sabbat occurs during the Spring Equinox which is a moment of balance when life returns to bloom with intensity in the Wheel of the Year.
The plants that began to give their first and simple signs of life in the Imbolc Sabbat reappear in all splendour.
The Sun God is in his puberty period, full of energy. The Goddess is in her Maiden phase, also full of energy and life.
Ostara is the perfect time to sow our joy and our love and to set goals and objectives.
This energy of renewal is translated into the growth of plants and also into the energy of the animals. They come out of hibernation and run again through the fields full of joy.
The fires of the Ostara Sabbat were lit on the mountain tops, for it was believed that the light created by them would be able to make the earth fertile, and also that they would demonstrate respect for the Sun God.

Wheel of the Year: Ostara Sabbat and the coloured eggs
The Goddess Eostre is venerated during the Ostara Sabbat.
Eostre is the Goddess of Resurrection, Rebirth and Spring. As the animals return to their outdoor activities in the Spring, Eostre is intimately related to this freedom and energy.
In her honor bread and cake were offered in addition to decorated eggs with vivid colors and symbols related to the Goddess.
It is said that Eostre was so enchanted with the decorated eggs that she asked a rabbit to hand them over from house to house so that everyone could share this joy.
The egg itself is a symbol of fertility, a life-bearer.
The decorated eggs were left under the bottom of the trees and sometimes hidden so that whoever found them would guarantee fertility, joy and success in the achievement of their goals.
The rabbit is also a very important symbol of this time, in addition to being one of Eostre’s favourite animals, the rabbit takes about 28 days in its gestation until giving birth, that is, it takes a complete lunar cycle.

Now that you got to know the story about the Goddess Eostre, a question is in the air, isn’t it?
What about the Christian Easter celebration? What does it really have to do with Christianity?
Easter eggs come into play. Easter is a derivation of Eostre, so this Pagan tradition was clearly absorbed into the present day. As explained above, eggs are symbols of fertility. They were decorated for Eostre, while rabbits also represent fertility and are everywhere throughout the Spring.
Now that you know about the Ostara Sabbat, you can also read about the Ostara Rituals.
Sabbats and the Wheel of the Year
You can also read about the other Sabbats which are part of the Wheel of the Year:
Ostara is the Pagan celebration held during the Spring Equinox. It celebrates Spring and life energy.
An Equinox is a date in which the Sun and the Earth are perfectly aligned, considering the Equator. So the duration of day and night are the same.
Painted eggs used to be offered to animals as they were leaving hibernation. They were sacred to Eostre, the Goddess of Spring.
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