Learn how to identify and protect yourself against 10 common types of Psychic Vampires, aka energy vampires. Besides this, you’ll also learn a powerful magic spell for protection in general. Take a seat, and let’s go. If you feel they are attacking you so much and you’re bad because of it, make this healing spell jar to normalize your health.
You can watch my video below in which I explain all the details about these problematic beings and also talk about some of my personal experiences. You may continue reading this article for an in-depth explanation – no personal experiences involved.

What are Psychic Vampires?
Psychic vampires have been quoted and depicted in literature and in works of art, often called Incubus (male) or Succubus (female), throughout history. According to these stories, these demons invaded houses at night, had sex with their victims, and drained all the vital energy from each of them.
This was one of the forms people used to describe them in the past. But today, we know that the means through which a psychic vampire absorbs energy goes far beyond sexual intercourse.
Another important point is that they are not only evil spiritual entities. They can be any of the people you know. Including yourself!
Although the term vampire is directly related to “blood-draining monsters,” psychic vampires, aka energetic vampires, are people, like you and I, but that feed on human energy.
They can also be known as emotional vampires as they feed on the human will, deplete our minds, and exhaust our bodies.
An attack from this kind of vampire can lead us to depression or to insanity. It can make us feel angry and it can even trigger psychological and physical illnesses.
This is precisely the reason why it is so important to know how to identify them. By doing so, we can protect ourselves from all of them.
A psychic vampire can be anyone:
- A friend;
- A co-worker;
- One or both of our parents;
- Our siblings;
- Our children.
Only by identifying them we can take some measures of protection and be free from their traps.

How to identify a Psychic Vampire?
Identifying a psychic vampire is relatively easy, although it seems to be a complex subject.
Belo, I’ll present 10 common types of psychic vampires and their main features.
A psychic vampire will probably possess several of the traits listed below, either consciously or unconsciously.
If you identify yourself with one or another trait, this will not necessarily turn you into a vampire (yet), but it will be important to work on the trait(s) so you are not going to harm anyone, or even yourself.
In other words, if you find yourself on the list, be careful not to become a psychic vampire in the future if you’re not one already.

1) The Helper
It is not only for being kind that people usually offer us some help. Beware of it!
There can also be some second thoughts involved in this simple action and a psychic vampire is a master of doing that.
In order to drain the victim’s energy, a psychic vampire is even capable of creating situations and problems that put a victim at a disadvantage. At this point the vampire offers help. The victim, already destabilized, opens the channel and loses energy.
This is the “Helper Psychic Vampire”. It is usually that person who insists on offering solutions to all of your problems. If you have no problems, they are able to create some and offer help right away.
Have you ever heard someone saying something like: “It’s really good to see John suffering. This way he can appreciate who really helps him!”?
So be careful, because this person is a psychic vampire.
How to protect from The Helper psychic vampire type?
Decline their help. When you politely decline some help from a psychic vampire, they tend to get angry and curse you. They will start mumbling things and leave you alone.
Unconsciously, they will understand they have failed. Therefore, they’ll look for another victim.
You’re free from this one.

2) The Manipulator
A psychic vampire is able to alter the environment in which they are inserted to their favor so that they can obtain some energy.
They can arrange a meeting and then make something go wrong so that the victim feels guilty, opening the channel to have their energy drained.
A Manipulator Psychic Vampire is often a disorganized person who lives such a messy life.
Superficially, these vampires demonstrate to live a perfect and extremely organized life, which causes the victims to fall into their tricks. Who wouldn’t want to leave a completely fully organized life?
The good news? It is easy to combat them!
Observe if you know someone who’s always manipulating the situation. This is the vampire.
All you have to do is to get away from the schemes they create.
- If you’re going to organize a party, organize it yourelf. Don’t count on them;
- If you’re arranging a meeting, do it yourself and don’t entrust anything to them;
- A simple get together? Don’t ask them their help.
Organize your life and your events yourself. Never count on any of them at all.
They will look for other victims – and they’ll easily find!
3) The Selfish
Psychic vampires tend to not care about others. Selfishness is a present feature in virtually every one of them. However, they are able to form alliances, collaborate with others until these ones are no longer useful to them.
Eventually, they simply discard the “useless” ones. In other words, they can use you and abuse you until you can’t serve them anymore.
Whenever they establish a connection of collaboration, they make you feel like you’re really important to them. After some time, they show off their claws: they offend you, yell at you, and knock you down.
Thus, only they can move on. From this point on, they are usually going to make an alliance with anyone else and repeat the whole cycle. That’s how they have an endless supply of energy.
A Selfish Psychic Vampire is usually a person who never has “good” friends around him.
How so?
From time to time they have a different best friend. “Suddenly”, the vampire is going to tell everyone that something “terrible” was done against him.
In fact, we know it was the vampire who ended up draining the victim’s energy, disposing of the person like trash afterward. These temporary friendships also tend to end up when the vampire is exposed.
How to protect against the Selfish type?
If you notice a close person who keeps having different best friends and telling you stories of how their friendship tragically ended, beware. Don’t become the next best friend.

4) The Exaggerated
Anything can be a big problem through the eyes of a psychic vampire. It happens because they can use it to engage other people and drain their energies.
Ordinary problems, the smallest ones, become events of gigantic proportions. A broken glass, for example, can become the reason for a discussion that may last days or even weeks. Going far beyond offenses, curses, and screams.
The Exaggerated Psychic Vampire screams, cries, gets victimized, and involves as many people as possible in their issues.
Nevertheless, the problem is caused on purpose by the vampire.
Quite often the people involved in the trickery end up fighting each other, generating even more energy for the vampire.
How to protect from the Exaggerated type?
Keep your energies balanced and centered. Whatever happens, don’t enter the fight. Keep quiet – this will irritate the vampire and they will lose their energy, not you!
5) The Scoffer (or Mocker :R)
Psychic vampires love to mock other people. There is nothing easier than draining the energy of people who are shaken or sad.
If you know someone who makes bad jokes about other people and does not tolerate jokes about themselves, be careful!
The Scoffer Psychic Vampire type is usually a spoiled person and full of “ne me touche pas” (don’t touch me).
Only they can mock. Only they can laugh at others. Only they can attack.
On the other hand, if someone does this to them, they are able to call the police and mobilize an entire neighborhood to protect themselves.
How to protect from the Scoffer type?
If this type of psychic vampire makes fun of you to let you down, immediately tell something that will make fun of them and put them down.
They can’t stand it.
They will never mess with you again.
I told my personal story in the video. It was GREAT.

6) The Complainer
According to psychic vampires, the whole universe conspires against them.
- They are poor;
- No one likes them;
- They have no money;
- They have no food;
- They have no place to live;
- They are always sick and there are no medicines to cure them;
- They are unable to do anything and they always need someone to do the things for them…
Don’t believe them. The truth is that they tend to be extremely intelligent in the art of deceiving
For example:
- If you are very rich, they will complain about lack of money, bad work conditions, debts and so on for you;
- If you’re not rich, the very same emotional vampire will be snob, saying they have a lot of money, and then complain that they work too hard and do not have any time for doing anything else.
See the logic?
The Complainer Psychic Vampire type is the easiest one to be spotted. If you know someone who is always complaining, try to find out what this person is complaining about to others.
If it is a real need, the complaint will be the same. If it is trickery, it will be a different story so that they can drain some energy.
Another way to unmask a Complainer type is to offer them an “alternative” kind of help.
If they beg some money, instead of offering the money you must ask what they really need, so you can offer the exact thing.
You will immediately notice the vampire’s reaction.
However, if they are more “skilled”, they can also be the type 7 (below) – and this is a bit dangerous.
7) The Smart Aleck
During a conversation with a psychic vampire, they will complain a lot pretending they are the victim of every situation. They will say they possess nothing in life and they are very miserable.
You may think this is the complainer type. However, there’s something extra here.
Suddenly, when you innocently try to come up with a solution, they will cut your line shushing you.
You can’t solve their problems. You can’t help them. You can’t do anything because they know more than you do!
The Smart Aleck Psychic Vampire type knows everything, actually. Simple like that. There is nothing to discuss with them.
When facing a vampire of this type, just agree with what they say or, if you can, give your back and walk away.
The more you retaliate, the more you try to show that there are facts that prove they are wrong, the worse it will be for you. The same thing goes if you try to solve their “problems”.
The very reason for the discussion is not to find out what is right or wrong or find solutions, but rather to drain your energy. They don’t want to learn anything you can teach. They don’t want your help.

8) The Inquirer
Do you happen to know the “fishing for information” saying? Psychic vampires are all the time fishing for information. Everywhere. They want to know everything about you, and for that, they ask questions all the time, about the most varied subjects.
Usually, the Inquirer Psychic Vampires are the ones who know everything. That is strange, isn’t it? Well, they may be the owners of the universal truth, but there is something they really need to know before plotting their trickeries: details about your life!
Without information about your life, they are simply powerless.
Their questions are often indirect and the victim ends up giving the answers without realizing it. So stay tuned!
The best way to fight this type of emotional vampire is by keeping mum. As much as you are proud of something you have done or conquered, avoid speaking about it.
The vampire will talk about subjects they know are important and interesting to the victim and then lead them through the conversation until they get the answers (and the energy) they want.
What’s yours is yours. Keep everything for yourself.

9) The Abandoned
This psychic vampire type is terrible. They are cruel.
Every single thing they do and say is part of the emotional destabilization plan they have.
If the victim is distant from the vampire, one of the ways to drain their energy is by inventing problems, annoying cases, and bad situations so that the victim feels guilty for not being present.
Many of these situations never happened in fact, they are only part of the vampire’s imagination. The person feels bad for not being able to do anything to help the emotional vampire.
The Abandoned Psychic Vampire type uses the distance in their favor because they are sure that the victim will never know the truth of what is being said.
To identify this kind of vampire you must know them well. They are usually family members who know you well enough to tell you things that will make you feel bad and worried.
Only you can identify this type of vampire.

10) The Important One
Their problem is more serious than yours. The book they read is bigger, better and has a more beautiful cover than yours.
If you give them a gift, they will look for the flaws, so that the attention is not on the present, but on them. The running water in your house is bad, in their house it is better than in yours, and so on…
The Important One type of Psychic Vampire never strives to become better people. On the contrary, they undervalue everyone they can, so that they can feel superior. Always.
This type of vampire is usually identified along with types 7 (The Smart Aleck) and 8 (The Inquirer).
It is very simple to oppose, though. Simply ignore them.
They will be enraged and, as we have already said for other types, they will scream, make a drama, curse you and that’s it. Do never worry about that.
They will go after another victim.
How to fight a psychic vampire?
These are just a few of the traits of psychic vampires who tend to be extremely negative people in general. From these 10 traits, you can identify some other similar ones. I’m sure this guide will help you find out if you are being attacked or not by psychic vampires.
Now, do you want to fight them? Do you wish to face them so they will never mess with you again?
Here are some tips for fighting psychic vampires that are valid for all these 10 types and others:
Fighting a Psychic Vampire: Belief
Every type of spell or magic is based on belief. Therefore, to protect yourself and to combat psychic vampires, you simply have to strongly believe that they can not affect you and the damage will be very small or simply will not exist.
Belief is a dangerous factor for two reasons:
1) Believing in what a psychic vampire says will make you fall on their trickery. Always doubt. Always trust yourself.
2) By believing that the psychic vampire can manipulate your energies, you end up promptly opening the doors for them. It is important to always be positive. And fear not!
Fighting a Psychic Vampire: Rituals and Spells
Now that part everyone is waiting for! This is a protection spell against psychic vampires and also against all types of negative people you may know.
Many people who know Wicca have already heard about the Three-fold Law, in which all the energy that is sent, whether good or bad, returns multiplied by three to whoever sent it.
In the case of psychic vampires, as they emanate negative energy in order to absorb positive one, a quick spell is able to cut off this flow and cause the Three-fold Law to take action. This way all the bad energy they sent you will go back to them, three times stronger.
So when you feel very tired, with some lack of energy, with some bad thoughts hovering over your mind and suspect that this may be the activity of a specific psychic vampire, imagine a sparkling protective bubble popping up around you and cast this spell to fight vampires energy by saying:
“Whatever it is you sent to me
I send it back, three times three.
Don’t mess with me.
Don’t mess with me.
Don’t mess with me.”
If you know who the psychic vampire is as you cast the spell, imagine the face of the person disappearing into the darkness.
I learned this spell from the White Dragon website in an article about psychic vampires. If you would like to read it, go here.
Other ways to protect yourself include purifying baths and stone amulets, such as the black tourmaline that acts as a repellent, or onyx and hematite, that will drain the vampire’s negative energy without reaching you.
If the energy is very dense, the black tourmaline may break or burst. Do not worry if this happens because it would have been worse if you were unprotected. I also suggest you keep the energies of your home clean with some of these 10 easy protection spells.
If you are at work and you do not want to directly face the vamp for professional reasons, try to protect your area so they will not invade it.
How to help a Psychic Vampire?
Giving some help to psychic vampires can be complicated, as many of them do not recognize the boundaries between help and energy abuse. So if you REALLY want to help a vampire, know yourself well, know your own energy limit, and do not allow them to cross your limits by immediately cutting off the flow of energy.
From my own experience, I don’t recommend you to try to help any energetic vampire you find out there. Even if it is someone from your family, my advice is to wish the person to learn alone their lessons and see by themselves that what they do is not good for anyone.
I followed cases in which insisting on helping a vampire family member led the person to lose almost everything they had in life, including their health. Everything was drained and destroyed. Only after realizing that it was useless to try to change the vampire, their situation got better.
There are cases and cases, of course. Is it possible for a psychic vampire to stop being a psychic vampire? YES, IT IS. But the initiative must come from themselves.
If you still want to help them, here you can have more tips:
Be a good listener
Many people are negative due to several bad events in their lives and end up suppressing many feelings. Instead of ignoring them, start to listen to them. Many people just need to unburden to realize what needs to be done.
If you clearly see that the vampire’s claims are only tricks to drain your energy, do not enter their game. Saying “no” is often the best way to help.
Keep topics light in conversation
Sometimes some negative people get worse when a certain subject comes up.
What to do, then? Change the subject!
Talk about a new movie or a mutual friend, focusing on subjects that will motivate the person to get away from the negativity.
Once again, if you realize that the psychic vampire insists on the negative issues at all costs, end up the conversation, or you will be a victim by your own choice.
Knowing and accepting the dark side of each one can be an antidote to the psychic vampire’s influence. We all demonstrate the traits of a vampire in some moments in our lives. Analyzing our actions in our daily lives will help us to become more self-confident, and magically, emotionally, and spiritually healthier.
I hope this guide can help you to identify the most common psychic vampire types and also help you to be free from them.
Do you know any Psychic Vampires or do you have any doubts about them? Leave your comment!
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