There are several different kinds of “magic” out there. In Witchcraft, for example, one can work with crystals, herbs, the Moon energy, the Sun energy, Goddesses manifestations, etc. In this post, I’ll explain what is summoning magic and how modern witches can perform it in 3 simple steps. In other words, you’ll learn how to conjure spirits – both good and evil ones!
Keep in mind that you can’t summon anything you can’t banish. So, don’t try anything before being sure of what you’re doing.

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What is summoning magic?
Summoning Magic is the act of summoning something, calling forth energy, a deity, or a being to manifest here. We can control them and make them fulfill a task that would be too hard or humanly impossible to handle ourselves. For this, the practitioner contacts the energy which they want to work with and performs a Summoning Ritual to conjure them.
Summoning magic can be found since ancient times and until today. It can be performed in different ways and with different goals. It can also be used for summoning powerful beings or just “ordinary” spirits like dead friends or relatives. See some examples below:
- In Shamanism the practitioners are capable of summoning spirits from Nature and animals and they can use their own bodies as a vessel;
- In Middle Ages the followers of Neoplatonism used to call forth energies from “The One”, the single principle;
- Practitioners of Enochian Magic summon angels;
- While practitioners of Goetia summon “fallen angels” or demons;
- In Spiritism, it is very common the “communication with spirits” which consists of summoning a spirit and letting them manifest through psychography or psychophony;
- In Umbanda, guides (spirits) are summoned and they embody a “cavalo” (the Portuguese word for horse), that is, a person capable of receiving them;
- In Umbanda, Candomble, and Santeria, Orishas can be summoned to manifest through a person too;
- The Ouija Table is an instrument used to communicate with the dead. This practice is also called Necromancy;
- In Vodou, the Houngans (priests), summon spirits called Loa which links Bondye (“Good God” em francês) and mankind;
- In Dragon Magick, Dragons are summoned to our dimension;
- In Modern Witchcraft and Wicca, it is very common to summon the elemental beings.
Summoning magic should never be made for fun or in a careless way. A good way to test your energy and start working with energies around you is by using a Pendulum.
How to do a summoning ritual in 3 steps
Before starting to practice any kind of summoning magic, the practitioner must be certain that they know the energies they are going to work with, as well as the possible risks. It is useless for the practitioner to try to summon a great being of light if they don’t follow the path of light. It is also good to keep in mind that any energy to be summoned has its own will and can act as it wishes.
I’ll describe now 3 steps on how to do a summoning ritual. They can be used for any kind of summoning magic. Think of them as the universal basis for this type of ritual.
1) Achieve balance
The first step on how to do a summoning ritual is an excellent way to start any kind of magical art: Meditate. Achieving a constant balance with one’s own mind helps to expand understanding and also contributes to self-controlling. Self-control is fundamental.
Imagine that you need to carry a suitcase that weighs 5kg. It is easy. Now imagine that you need to carry a 60kg suitcase. It got heavy, didn’t it? It will require physical preparation, conditioning, muscle strengthening, and so on.
In summoning magic, it is the same thing. Different energies have different “weights” so it is very important to know exactly if you are “strong” enough to “hold” them.
When a summoning ritual is done without the necessary care, it can lead to a catastrophe. Possessions, materializations, kinesthesia, combustions … during a summoning ritual, energies released with great intensity and without proper control can (and will) do anything they want.

2) Be knowledgeable
After obtaining self-control through meditation, the second step is the study. Studying a lot and gaining a deep understanding of the practice to be performed is needed. You must be knowledgeable about everything related to the kind of energies and spirits you’re going to work with.
Never try to perform summoning magic without knowing what you are doing or just for playing around.

3) Know your own intentions
The third and last step is to perfectly know your own intentions. Why are you doing a summoning ritual? What’s the reason behind it? What do you want? If you don’t have a clear answer to each of these questions, stop here.
Depending on the energy you want to make contact with, the results of your summoning rituals can be huge. For this reason, be certain of what you wish for. You may have no opportunity to regret it.
Summoning Magic: What Can I summon?
When we analyze summoning magic practices around the world with their peculiar characteristics, we realize that the act of summoning is always the same. Simpler rituals, such as a circle vibrating on the same frequency, can be used to summon spirits of ancestors or messengers who are willing to bring important messages (or not so important ones!).
From now on, I’ll write briefly about some of the energies/spirits you can work with through a summoning magic ritual:
Summoning the Elemental Beings
The Elementals Beings are great beings to summon for our home! It’s a great way to start with summoning magic in general. You can invite them with a well-kept garden, a fountain with clean water, a fireplace… The Elementals are beings of light and pure energy and they can also help you to take care of the environment.
Undines, Sylphs, Gnomes, and Salamanders are great companions and they deserve to be treated with respect after being summoned. Read more about them on The Elemental Beings post.
Difficulty level: Easy (start here, actually!)

Summoning Dragons
Practicing Dragon Magick to summon Dragons is an intense way to experience a different kind of energy. Dragons come from a different dimension and can absolutely change our lives. While it’s not for everyone, working with Dragons is sure rewarding.
You can do a summoning ritual for Dragons by creating a specific place for them and simply connecting with their energy. I wrote my experiences in the Dragon Magick post.
Difficulty level: Moderate (it’s not difficult, but there are consequences)

Summoning Angels and demons
Angels and Demons can be summoned in a huge variety of ways and methods, including summoning magic rituals. But first, let’s make something clear: Regardless of your religion or belief, demons usually represent “dense”, “heavy”, or “fallen” spirits. However, Demons are not necessarily bad, just as angels are not necessarily good. Working with demonic or angelic energies is an extremely complex practice.
In Goetia, the first book of Lemegeton – Solomon’s Grimoire (aka Lesser Key of Solomon), we find a list of 72 great demons that were legendarily described by Solomon. It is said that Solomon received instructions from angels on how to control these demons so that they would obey him. Together with the list, there are seals, the famous “sigils” to summon or seal the demons.
In the second book from Lemegeton, Theurgia-Goetia, we find a list of 31 spirits both “good and evil”. In the following books, Ars Paulina and Ars Almadel, there are lists of the angels that Solomon was able to summon.
The Lemegeton is a complete “how to” if you want to start conjuring demons and angels. Remember step 2? Study a lot before starting.
Difficulty level: Hard (I suggest you contact people who are familiar with this to help you)

Summoning Angels
The act of summoning angels is way simples than summoning demons. Simple prayers have the power to ask or call the presence of angels. In essence, they are considered a simple summoning ritual, but the practitioner’s intention is not to control the entities. They just ask for their presence.
By saying certain words and asking for the presence of certain beings, you can create the right environment for these beings to manifest themselves.
However, angels can actually be summoned through Enochian magic – and now it gets complex and much more interesting! In the sixteenth century, Dr. John Dee and his assistant Edward Kelley received visions and information that allowed them to interpret the language of the angels, which is called Enochian.
The two were able to document the hierarchy of angels and were also able to access secrets from the mysterious book of Enoch. Enoch is said to be Noah’s grandfather, a man whose book was not published in the Bible because it was not considered “a scripture.”
Difficulty level: Hard (I also suggest you contact people familiar with this to help you)

Summoning magic is a great type of magic and ritual that you can perform when you feel ready. Always keep in mind the 3 steps I showed you in this post and have a great time conjuring spirits on your own.
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