The Goddess Aphrodite is the most popular Greek Goddess of all because she is associated with love and beauty. Everyone knows Aphrodite in one way or another, and many people know her indirectly through her Roman version, the Goddess Venus. In this article, I will analyze the 9 main symbols of Aphrodite so that we can understand who this Goddess is.
By knowing these symbols and their meanings, we can also understand how to activate the archetype of Aphrodite in our lives more easily and confidently.

What does Aphrodite represent?
Aphrodite represents love, beauty, sexuality, and independence. In some myths, she can also represent youth and inspiration. The main symbols that represent the Goddess Aphrodite are the dove, the red rose, the shell, and the belt.
In this article, I will explain 9 symbols of Aphrodite and their meanings.
What are Aphrodite’s Symbols?
Few Goddesses are as well-known as Aphrodite around the world. She is considered the most beautiful goddess of all in Greek mythology and she is always associated with love, beauty, and pleasure. However, Aphrodite goes “far beyond” these attributes.
Through the main symbols of Aphrodite, we can find meanings that provide a lot of material for reflection and self-knowledge. Therefore, in addition to the interpretations and explanations of each of the symbols, I will also bring a reflection. This reflection will be linked to the symbol and can be found in the Oracle of Aphrodite.
Shall we begin?
1) Dove

Doves are some of the main symbols of Aphrodite. Doves are a symbol of love, peace, and beauty. The dove is considered the sacred bird of Aphrodite and, in this way, it is a symbol of the goddess and the animal that best represents her.
There are myths of Aphrodite that tell that she had a chariot pulled by doves and that these birds followed her wherever she moved to. Therefore, seeing doves, it was likely that the presence of Aphrodite was near!
Doves were also considered messengers of the goddess, carrying love and beauty wherever they traveled to. In art, Aphrodite (or Venus) is often portrayed with a dove nearby, emphasizing her connection to this bird.
The dove is a symbol of Aphrodite that represents peace and love. When you come across a dove in this oracle, reflect on the following: Are you finding peace in your love life? Are you willing to forgive and let go of past grievances? Perhaps the dove is announcing the proximity of the Goddess Aphrodite in your life. Are you free from the past to receive her?
Oracle of Aphrodite, card 01
2) Red roses

Red roses represent another of the most important symbols of Aphrodite. They usually mean love and beauty, but in the case of the goddess, they gain another meaning.
In Greek mythology, red roses grew from the ground where Aphrodite’s tears fell as she lamented the death of Adonis. In another version of the myth, Aphrodite was looking for Adonis when she was injured. The moment her blood touched the white roses that were near her, they all turned red.
Red roses also represent the duality of love: their thorns symbolize the pain and difficulty felt by lovers, while their petals represent their beauty and joy. This duality is also very present in Aphrodite. Even as a Goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite has many stories of anger, jealousy, and envy.
Red roses are a symbol of Aphrodite that represent love, passion, and also the pain of searching for love, represented by Adonis. When you come across red roses here, reflect on the following: Are you in love with the right person? Are you willing to surrender to love and be vulnerable with the person you love? Remember the myth of Aphrodite and Adonis. She fell deeply in love with him and suffered many consequences for wanting to dominate him and have him all to herself. And what if you are nurturing a love for an Adonis at the moment? Deep down you know you will never have Adonis and insisting on it now will only bring suffering. Reflect deeply if you have drawn the red roses here, you do not deserve to go through the pain that Aphrodite went through by being blinded by passion.
Oracle of Aphrodite, card 02
3) Shell

The shell is the most famous of all symbols of Aphrodite. This is because of the painting “The Birth of Venus” by Botticelli, which depicts when Aphrodite / Venus was born from the sea foam and stood on a shell. The shell is also a symbol of beauty and femininity.
What many people do not know is that the shell is related to Aphrodite because of its association with the female reproductive organ. In art, Aphrodite is often depicted standing or emerging from a shell, emphasizing her connection to the feminine and the power of creation and fertility.
The shell is also linked to the water element and represents transformative power, which is a symbol of the birth of Aphrodite and her connection to the sea.
The shell is a symbol of Aphrodite that represents beauty and femininity. It also symbolizes fertility and, symbolically, means being “open” or “closed” to love. When you come across a shell in this oracle, reflect on the following: If you were a shell, would you be “open” or “closed” to love at this moment? If you are “closed”, how can you open up and allow love to come to you? If you are “open,” are you open enough or too open? Take some time for yourself today and analyze these issues.
Oracle of Aphrodite, card 03
4) Myrtle

The myrtle plant is another symbol of Aphrodite that connects her to love, fertility, and the union between two lovers. This plant is sacred to Aphrodite and is often used in her worship, being planted in temples dedicated to the Goddess, and also to make crowns.
In Greek mythology, there is a myth that tells the birth of Adonis from a myrtle. Aphrodite falls madly in love with Adonis to the point of wanting to have him only for herself. In this relationship, we find another connection between the flower and the Goddess.
Myrtle is a symbol of Aphrodite that represents fertility and the union between two lovers. When you come across a myrtle here in this oracle, reflect on the following: Are you willing to renew and reinvent yourself to find or recognize true love? When you come across your love, can you celebrate its existence as a person and as a feeling? Are you able to honor this love and worship it as a unique feeling that deserves to be within you?
Oracle of Aphrodite, card 04
5) White Goose

The white goose is another important symbol of Aphrodite. It is associated with the Goddess because of its connection to water, which is a symbol of the Goddess’s birth, and for its connection to fertility and skill.
Aphrodite rode a white goose to transport herself. In some myths, instead of a white goose, Aphrodite rode a white swan. The swan can also be considered one of the symbols of Aphrodite, but it is more related to Apollo.
The white goose is a symbol of Aphrodite that represents dexterity and movement. Aphrodite transports herself on a white goose. When you come across a white goose in this oracle, reflect on the following: Are you being true to yourself in your love life? Please note that being true to yourself is totally different from fidelity in the relationship. The question the white goose brings here is about you with yourself. If you are in a relationship, do you see yourself traveling with this person to all places? Do you feel good with this person? If you are looking for a relationship, are you honoring your desires? Are you being yourself or trying to please others? And if you are alone, do you feel good about it? Or do you want to affirm to others that you can be alone without problems? Be true to yourself, regardless of what others will think or say.
Oracle of Aphrodite, card 05
6) Mirror

The mirror is a symbol of Aphrodite that many people must know the meaning of, even if unconsciously. The mirror represents beauty and vanity. It represents Aphrodite because of its association with beauty. She uses the mirror to admire her own beauty, just like Oshun Orisha.
The mirror also represents the idea of reflection and self-knowledge, as well as the power of illusion and deception. Thus, the light and shadow sides of Aphrodite’s archetype become very clear. By admiring your own beauty for a long time and ignoring everything beyond it, frustration is likely to grow, and problems may arise.
The mirror is a symbol of Aphrodite that represents self-esteem and reflection. When you come across a mirror, reflect on the following: Are you loving and accepting yourself in your love life? Can you look in the mirror and reflect on your feelings with sincerity? Just like the mirror, self-esteem and reflection can be present in your love life if you are willing to love and accept yourself as you are. Avoid frustrations and disappointments. Don’t deceiving yourself. When you look in the mirror, be sure that the beauty you see is your own beauty, and not something you created to deceive others (and yourself).
Oracle of Aphrodite, card 06
7) Girdle

The girdle is one of the most emblematic symbols of Aphrodite. If you read my article about the Goddess Hera, you already know what the girdle is for and what its symbolic relationship with Aphrodite is.
In Greek mythology, the Goddess Aphrodite had a magical girdle that made her irresistible to men. By putting on the girdle she would arouse desire in whoever she wanted. She even lent her girdle to Hera to reconquer Zeus and try to make him faithful to her.
The girdle is a symbol of beauty, seduction, and power. Symbolically, the girdle binds, unites, and holds one thing to another. Therefore, it means a powerful love union, even if it is fleeting and only carnal.
The girdle is a symbol of Aphrodite that represents union and connection. When you come across a girdle, reflect on the following: Are you connecting with your loved one in your love life? Do you believe that union is important for a healthy relationship? Are you using Aphrodite’s girdle to “force” a union? As much as the girdle works, forcing a relationship or a union can bring consequences in the future. Aphrodite herself, one who didn’t belong to anyone, was forced to marry Hephaestus and the marriage, of course, did not prosper. In the same way, she forced relationships with many other men and, in many myths, we have the disastrous consequences of this “forcing”.
Oracle of Aphrodite, card 07
8) Pearls

Pearls are also symbols of Aphrodite. They are a symbol of purity, femininity, and beauty. Like the Goddess herself, pearls are born in water from something damaged and have a powerful shine and charm, being desired by many people who want to possess them.
Pearls are sacred to Aphrodite and are often associated with the feeling of love. The pearl represents the idea of perfection and purity, as well as the power of transformation and growth, often through pain.
Pearls are a symbol of Aphrodite that represent beauty and purity. When you come across pearls, reflect on the following: Are you seeking beauty and purity in your life? Do you believe that honesty and transparency are important for a healthy relationship? Just like pearls, beauty and purity can be present in your love life if you are willing to seek honesty and transparency in your relationships. This card with pearls goes far beyond love life. It covers your feelings and your sentimental life in general. That is why transparency comes up. Pearls are formed after an injury caused inside the shell, usually by sand. So, as much as you may carry wounds in your life, in general, do your best to transform them into beauty. This way you will radiate a lot of light and attract more light into your life.
Oracle of Aphrodite, card 08
9) Sea waters

The waters of the sea are also symbols of Aphrodite. Aphrodite was born from the foam that formed on the surface of the sea. From there, she emerged as the most beautiful of all goddesses. I told a little more of this story in the article about the Goddess Gaia, since Aphrodite is the daughter of Uranus, Gaia’s lover.
Sea water is known for its purifying power and also for its hypnotic beauty. It is capable of seducing people and also of becoming violent enough to sink ships and kill all who venture to explore it. Like Aphrodite and her temperament that is like waves of a calm sea and suddenly becomes convulsive and dangerous.
Sea waters are a symbol of Aphrodite that represent freedom and purification, as well as tides represent the change of mood of the Goddess. When you come across sea waters, reflect on the following: Are you allowing yourself to feel and express your emotions in your love life? Do you control your mood swings so as not to unnecessarily hurt those who are close to you? Can you accept the tidal changes of the person you love? Do you understand that tides rise and fall and that everything can be temporary? Sea waters can be dangerous, but when you understand them, you enjoy what is most beautiful in the world.
Oracle of Aphrodite, card 09
These are the main symbols of Aphrodite. I chose these 9 symbols precisely because they help us to better understand this deity and also to better understand the effects and consequences that the activation of the archetype of Aphrodite can bring to our lives.
Which of these symbols surprised you the most? What other Aphrodite’s symbols do you know?
Tell me in the comments below!
You may also be interested in working magically with Aphrodite. For this, I recommend reading the article “How to Invoke Aphrodite” and also recommend getting to know the Orphic Hymn to Aphrodite.
Use the Oracle of Aphrodite to seek advice related to your love life. It is a Free Online Oracle that you can find here at the Santuário Lunar.