While raised by my parents, I was educated and taught to respect all people, their ideas and their opinions. Besides respecting all animals, the flora, the water, the air, buildings, institutions and objects. In this text I will talk about the Magic of Respect.
I do believe that this was an excellent way of being educated, but from a very young age until a couple of years ago, I mistakenly came to believe that by the simple and pleasurable act of respecting everything and everyone I would be equally respected. Great mistake.

Respecting does definitely not mean, in any way, being respected in return. Respect means to be careful not to hurt, not to offend the other; not to hurt those or that which is outside of you.
But why only the others? In this model of education it was not included the valuable piece of information that respect begins with myself. Many years later I learned, with difficulty, that if I did not respect myself as an individual I would not have the respect of others. And that includes the right not to allow abuses and to impose limits when my integrity, my physical and my emotional health states are threatened.
Being considerate for what the other thinks or for what other things mean signifies that we have no right to hurt or offend anyone, much less to break, destroy or damage anything, including ourselves!
Agreeing with being too close or even being touched by anyone else, as well as saying “no” when you mean “no”, and determining how close one can move towards my individual space and my own individuality are fundamental traits for feeling well and being respected.
Magic of Respect: Respect and kindness
When we are dealing with others and vice-versa it is always good to remember that kindness generates kindness and this is one of the bases of the Magic of Respect. And that’s great when we use kindness with ourselves, too. Being gentle with yourself creates an aura of self-respect, and you, honestly, gotta give for what you take . Be kind to yourself and then you will be able to overflow kindness.

Empathy (being sensitive to the reality of the other, trying to put yourself under the skin of the other) is an excellent ally of good manners when dealing with everything outside of yourself and with all beings and things. Resilience (the ability to handle your own problems, to overcome obstacles, and not give in to pressure) is an excellent ally of good manners when dealing with your own self.
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What about when we go through situations in which we are disrespected and still await the respect and consideration of others?
Specially in these situations we will be wasting time and a great opportunity to learn a lesson: We should expect nothing from anyone. It is unfair to expect anything from anyone who does not have anything to give us and that includes education and respect.
Treat yourself and the others with education, with respect. Learn to listen to yourself and also to what the others have to say. Be positive. Take courage. Be kind. Respect your limits as well as the others’. Trust your intuition. Love yourself and chase what is really important for your life. This is the best way to respect yourself and to be respected in return.

And if someone is still disrespecting you, move away. This is a good technique for you to use to respect yourself.
3 hints for practicing Respect
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The Magic of Life
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