We all love when we can cast simple spells that bring great results, right? In this post we’ll learn 3 Wiccan Waxing Moon spells for using the energy of this Moon phase in our favour, helping us achieving our goals, attracting health and obtaining success. In the end, there is a Waxing Moon Calendar 2019 for you to schedule your spells.
Among all the Moon phases, the Waxing Moon is great for casting spells related to solid ideas, expanding horizons and prosperity. In
Ideas and projects tend to grow up now, so enjoy this phase to achieve your goals and your success!
Wiccan Waxing Moon Spells: Moon Cake
This is a very simple spell, so everyone can make it for achieving their goals. This Wiccan Waxing Moon spell will help you achieving your goals.
In one day during the Waxing Moon, bake a cake! It does not need to be a complex cake, bake a simple one! Before baking it you have to purify yourself taking a shower using coarse salt or white rose petals. While you prepare the dough you must think about your goals in a very happy way. Visualise yourself with your goals achieved and be thankful for having already achieved it. Now, while it bakes, dance and sing or listen to songs that make you happy. You can also light some incenses or some silver candles. If you need help choosing the incense, check the post Incenses meaning.
When the cake is ready, give the fairies the first slice. You can leave it close to a tree for example. Offer the other slices to people that are important to you, this way your happiness will grow together with theirs. As today many of us live in big cities and in apartments, if you can’t find a tree close to you, try going to a park. If there is no park close to you, leave this slice on a plate during the night and you can eat it yourself next morning.
Wiccan Waxing Moon Spells: Celtic Health
This Wiccan Waxing Moon Spell is another simple spell to cast. It’ll attract health.
Necessary items:
- A White Candle and a platform where it can be burnt
- Some Honey
- Some Milk
- Some Green Paper
Start this spell by lighting the white candle on a platform (a plate, a candlestick, a glass…) and writing on the green paper your wishes for health. After this, say the following spell seven times:
“To the fairies from the Tree of Health I ask:
Blow to me the wind of healing,
You who transcend time and space.
Wherever you may be, blow this wind so mote it be!”
Close your eyes and breath in and out slowly. Blow over the green paper while you visualise a shining green and orange mist leaving the paper and involving you with its magical health.
Thank the fairies and the Goddess. Now put the paper below the platform where the candle is and leave there until the candle is totally burnt. Bury both the green paper and the rests of the candle close to a tree and pour some milk and some honey.
Wiccan Waxing Moon Spells: Professional Success
This Wiccan Waxing Moon Spell is also a very simple spell and it can be cast to find a new job or to improve your current job.
Necessary Items:
- A White or Blue Candle
- Your favourite incense
- White Clothes (optional)
- An Athame, a dagger or a knife
To start, light the incense (remember, if you need help about incenses, check the post Incenses Meaning) and meditate. Think about how your new job would be or the things that could be improved in your current job to make you happier. Try to be very precise.
Take your Athame and write “SUCCESS” on one side of the candle. Write “WORK” on the other side.
Light the candle and put your hands over it. Now visualise again your wishes and let the heat give them more energy.
Do not blow away the incense nor the candle.
You can also add some amulets and stones around the candle if you desire.
Waxing Moon Spells on Pinterest
Below you’ll find an image for your Pinterest folders.
Waxing Moon Calendar 2019
Below you’ll find a Waxing Moon Calendar for 2019. With it, you can organise your prosperity spells! You can also save it to your Pinterest folders!

Waxing Moon Calendar 2018
Below you’ll find a Waxing Moon Calendar 2018 for you to schedule your spells. You can save it in your Pinterest folders.

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Wonderful site. Thank you for sharing so generously. Bookmarked! will return.
Thank you very much for your comment, Elspethe!
Please do come back! 😀
Blessed be )O(